Logan graduated from the University of Arizona in 2014 with a B.A. in Anthropology. He spent the last year of his undergraduate career working with the BARA Internship Program. During his time there Logan worked on a new virtual facet of the ongoing Deep Water Horizon project, spearheaded by Dr. Diane Austin. Through this experience, Logan learned how to work as part of a research team, collect and analyze qualitative data, conduct research, and write academic articles. Due to his involvement with BARA Logan had the opportunity to present on a panel discussing virtual responses to the Deep Water Horizon disaster at the 2014 Society for Applied Anthropology conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Logan is currently living in Bend, Oregon and working as an Outdoor Educator for a local non-profit. His main focus is providing experiential education opportunities to 5th graders with Specific Needs that typically do not function well in traditional classroom settings. This work allows Logan to contribute to the academic and social successes of children from all across Central Oregon.
Logan’s experience with BARA greatly shaped his academic career while at the University of Arizona and provided him with novel and exciting challenges. Logan is grateful for the experiences BARA provided and still considers his BARA mentors the most influential characters of his academic life. About his internship with BARA Logan says:
Working with BARA was the most influential part of my undergraduate career. The new and exciting research I got to be a part of was nothing compared to the wonderful mentors and peers that I got the opportunity to know through the BARA Internship Program.