Interactive Multimedia as an Educational Tool

Sacred peaks of the southern Paiute tribe

This project brings together more than 30 years of monitoring data, interviews, and photo collections as part of the Southern Paiute Consortium Colorado River Monitoring and Education Program to create an interactive, immersive environment for use by Southern Paiutes of all ages. 

The interactive experience will allow tribal monitors and former program participants to revisit important places and experiences while informing new monitors and others how monitoring work is done. Guided by the narration of elders and experienced program participants, the experience will be built around virtual tours integrating interactive educational content, including immersive 360-degree imagery and audio narration, recorded within and near the Colorado River corridor. 

This project will aid future generations of Southern Paiutes, help orient agency personnel and partners participating in the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program, and promote increased respect for places of significance to Southern Paiute in the Colorado River corridor and the Grand Canyon.

Location: Colorado River corridor and other Southern Paiute homelands, BARA

Funded By: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Southern Paiute tribes

Related People or Collaborators

Non-UA Collaborators

  • Daniel Bulletts, Southern Paiute Consortium
  • Ashley Stinnett, Applied Visual Anthropologist and Media Consultant